Additionally/Accessibility/Web Console

Web Console

In the HLEB2 framework, a special Web Console provides access through the user's browser for executing console commands. Only framework commands are supported, meaning those starting with 'php console'.

By default, the Web Console is disabled for security reasons.

To specify the application page on which to display the Web Console, create a route for this with an address.

// File /routes/map.php

Route::match(['get''post'], '/web-console'view('console'));

You also need to create a template that outputs an HTML form for the Web Console:

// File /resources/views/console.php

(new \Hleb\Main\Console\WebConsoleOnPage())->run();

Now the Web Console is available at the relative address '/web-console' of the site. Additionally, you need to copy the key from the file '/storage/keys/web-console.key' and use it to access the command execution form.

Commands that require user input will not work through the Web Console.

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