Model is a component of the architectural pattern MVC
(Action-Domain-Responder for the web).
In the HLEB2 framework, the Model is represented by a template that has static access methods. The Model can provide access to a certain dataset, usually a connected DBMS (Database Management System).
The provided template can be used by the developer in their own way. It can use the built-in wrapper over PDO (class Hleb\Static\DB) or be replaced by your own template, for example, by connecting one of the existing ORM.
Apart from copying and modifying the demonstration file DefaultModel.php, there is another simple way to create the required class using a console command.
$php console --add model ExampleModel
This command will create a new template /app/Models/ExampleModel.php.
You can use another suitable name for the class.
The HLEB2 framework also allows you to create a custom template by default for this command.